September Newletter 2021-09-17T13:07:52+00:00

September Newsletter


Tēnā tātou

I would like to thank you all for your part in making the Covid-19 lockdown bearable. It is quite an unsettling time for our children and families but the support from you all makes a big difference. The children really enjoyed having the tablets at home and were working well with those and the hard copies. Thank you to all of you for doing the hard yards as parent and teacher. It was also really fun to see you all during the Zoom chats. I know the children really enjoyed seeing each other and having a bit of fun.

I am sending home a pamplet with information about the Covid-19 vaccination and why it is so important for our protecting our community.

Who would believe that it is only 99 days until Christmas! EEK! I certainly am not prepared for that.

Health Consultation 

Thank you for taking the time to fill in the Health consultation questionnaire that I sent home this week. The information we collect from that questionaire will go to help us plan for the following 2 years.

Policy Review

Each month the Board reviews our school policies. We need to have the school community also review these policies from time to time. Our school policies and procedures are online and managed by SchoolDocs.


We invite you to log in to our SchoolDocs site and explore. Your reviews and feedback are valuable, and it is important to be familiar with our school’s policies and procedures.

Username: rangitaiki

Password: cows

  1. Go to
  2. click Search for your school.
  3. type in the name of our school and select from the dropdown list.
  4. Enter the community username and password


We have had a family of wild pigs destroying our school field. Lochinver station is going to put some traps out in the next few days and hopefully, we will capture some of them. In the meantime, the boys are having a field day stacking up the sods and making little hideouts.


The Children have all been enjoying the STEAM lessons that are run by Mr G. The school applied for some funding to have Gavin Mclean come in and teach Digital Technologies and STEAM for 50 hours.

Last week they had to make a bridge from one table to another. A ping-pong ball had to go across the bridge without it being touched. The children were in two groups. It was facinating to watch how the groups interacted with each other.  We have some real leaders in our school.

STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics.


We have a newly selected member for the school board. Rosalie Kingi from Rangitaiki Station has now joined our board. We are still on the lookout for manawhenua to join our board and give a voice to our Maori whanau. Come along to the next meeting if you are interested in being part of the governance for our little school or invite someone in the community you think would be interested.

Next meeting 27th October 6.30pm in the staffroom


20th November

This is a Saturday and we are hoping to combine this with other gala-type stalls and activities to make it a fun day out for the entire community.

We have some Rangitaiki students from the past that are keen to have a reunion during that weekend as well and are keen for their family to experience a school pet day.

COVID-19 Level 2

Only enter the school if you absolutely need to. Wear a mask and sign the health questionnaire as well as scanning the covid tracing QR code.

Keep children home if they are unwell. This means a runny nose or cough as well.

Encourage children to cough into their elbows and wash hands often.

Use a santizer when coming in and out of rooms.

Noho ora mai

Andrea Haycock
