Welcome 2018-02-19T10:19:14+00:00



Children will learn best if they enjoy coming to school. We appreciate the interest shown by parents in the children’s activities throughout the year – the time spent is an investment in the future. There are many opportunities to participate in school life. We would love to see you.

Rangitaiki School believes that informed parents share an important part to play in the education of their children.

You will be aware that a child’s schooling is a very important phase of their life. Like you, we are concerned that this, from its earliest stage will be an enjoyable experience. A mutual co-operation between home and school will also offer your child a firm and necessary security in the knowledge that both home and school are working together for the child’s best interests.

If there are any matters that concern you whether they be educational, social or personal – involving your child at school, we would be more than happy to meet and discuss these with you in the hope that they may be resolved.